

  • 活跃的过滤器:
  • 国家
  • 活跃的过滤器:
  • 国家
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Paid, Earned and Owned 媒体-Three Essential Elements to 市场营销 Success- July 10th


Your marketing plan is not just building a website and doing a few 社交媒体 posts. Most businesses can benefit from a multi disciplined approach that includes website, 搜索引擎优化, 社交媒体, 电子邮件营销, 公关和网络广告. This webinar will show you how these elements (What we call "Push, Pull and Amplify") work together to guide your business on a road to marketing success.


-为什么 a properly built website is important for optimal search engine rankings
什么是搜索引擎优化. How to organically improve search engine rankings.
-谷歌广告vs Facebook广告. 为什么

The Power of Connections: Leveraging 网络 for Your Small Business - Aug 7th

“在快节奏中, 互联的商业世界, 建立关系网不仅仅是一种技能, 而是成功的重要工具. "

"The Power of Connections"" offers you a roadmap to master this art, essential for thriving across industries and sectors.

* 网络 Essentials: Grasp the core of networking. Discover why it's critical for business growth and learn effective techniques for initiating conversations in various settings.
* Brand Building Mastery: Your brand is your story. Learn to weave your personal and business brand seamlessly into interactions, making

Defining Your Audience: The Power of Buyer Personas - June 5th

什么是买家角色? A buyer persona is a semi-fictional representation of your ideal customer based on market research and real data about your existing customers.

市场营销 to everyone the same way doesn’t work anymore. These in-depth personas help us relate to your customers uniquely and as real humans. Buyer personas can help you better understand who your customers are and how to best market to them.

The goals of this hands-on workshop include developing clear definitions of your typical buyers, a clear sense of the customer journey that customers take, 以及如何生成


创业需要计划, 做出关键的财务决策, and completing a series of legal activities. 继续往下读,了解每一步.

1. 进行市场调查

Market research will tell you if there’s an opportunity to turn your idea into a successful business. It’s a way to gather information about potential customers and businesses already operating in your area. Use that information to find a competitive advantage for your business.

Learn more about conducting market research


2. 撰写商业计划

Your business plan is the foundation of your

How to make the most of your mentoring experience

指导会议是保密的, personalized conversation with a business expert to answer a question or to solve a problem that you’re facing.

To make the most of your mentoring experience, we recommend being prepared with a business question or challenge that you can work on with your mentor. 如果你正在创业, we recommend being prepared with a business idea before you request a mentor. If you’re not sure what type of business you want to start, consider using our Startup Roadmap to help you define your business idea. If you already own a business, come to your meeting

How to Establish 非营利组织 Partnerships That Work!


Join us for a powerful webinar that will show you how to unlock the power of collaboration in your community. This webinar is designed for small nonprofits seeking to expand their reach through strategic alliances. 学习如何识别潜在的合作伙伴, the nuances between informal and formal partnerships, and the dynamics of working with Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) versus contracts.


1. The critical role of community partners in furthering your nonprofit's mission.

2. Deciding between informal collaborations and formal partnerships: understanding which

Demystifying 非营利组织s: Is Starting a 501(c)(3) Public Charity Right for You?


Join us for an informative journey into the world of nonprofit organizations. 在本次网络研讨会期间, we'll unpack what it means to be a nonprofit, and discuss key differences between various entity types such as for-profit, 低利润, b公司, 社会企业, 和非营利组织. The goal of this workshop is to provide critical insights for anyone who is considering starting a 501(c)(3) public charity.


The core differences between nonprofit public charities and other business models.
The distinctive roles of private foundations versus public charities.


版权所有©2024 SCORE Association, SCORE.org

Funded, in part, through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. 小企业管理局. 所有的意见, and/or recommendations expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA.

